MRSA infection resources


What we are doing:

Distributing information by mail, e-mail, and through various media sources.

Organizing speaking engagements for the public, the medical community, schools, and athletic leagues to make people aware of the problem and what can be done about it.

Producing a documentary about MRSA and Anthony Field, Chairperson and Founder of MRSA Support Group UK, by Jeff Beyrau, Director of Prizefighter Films, in cooperation with many others.

Promoting Groups, organizations, and websites developed to help provide information and emotional support to people with MRSA and their families.

Please consider donating to the Hands of Hope Group to help cover costs. Any donations you make will go towards printing and mailing costs (an ongoing expense) and towards the production of the documentary, which will roll out sometime this fall/winter 2005.  With a donation of any size, Denise will send you a packet of information that will help you to raise awareness of MRSA in your community.

How You Can Help:

$50.00 will sponsor 10 doctor packages (postage and printing costs)

$30 will sponsor 10 school packages

$5.00 to receive all 3 of Tony Field's booklets (if you need Tony's booklets and are unable to pay for them at this time, please email Denise, and she will see that you get them!)

In the comments section of PayPal, if there is a specific person, school system or place that you would like your donation to directly affect, please let us know.


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We support these groups in their missions to reduce MRSA infection rates, and hope you will as well: 
The Hands of Hope Group, The Association to Defend Victims of Nosocomial Infection (ADVIN) (CA), The Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths (RID)(USA), MRSASupport (UK) , MRSA Action UK

DISCLAIMER:  This group is made up of normal people.  While some of us may be in the medical profession, we advise you to see your physician if you think you may have any illness or infection.  If you choose to use any information on these pages, DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.  No clinical decisions should be made solely by the information contained herein.  We try to provide quality information, but cannot make claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of any information contained in or linked to this website and its associated sites.

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